Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Curly Tops, Hair Story, My story

I thought I would forever be sporting short short hair, until my employer in Saudi Arabia told me to grow my hair long as the Saudi women customers mistook me for a man or a boy with my 'crew cut'  hair and man pants.  As a photographer, it was the easiest look for me......I was one of the boys,  but because my employer required a feminine hairstyle,  I grew my hair longer.
 After my separation with my ex, I was in a hunting mode,  I grew my hair longer.  Also it was  cheaper  for me to grow it longer  as I didn't need to visit the beauty parlor or barber shop (yes I could go to either of them for my 'crew cut') once a month because I just tie my hair in a bun or ponytail.
Does your hairstyle change whenever you have 
life milestone?  Mine does.   My hair is the first to show it.  When I was in an unhappy marriage my hairstyle was almost skinhead!   When I was rebelling at my American employer in Saudi Arabia, I colored my hair blonde and sported  'crew cut' hair again.  When I was young and carefree and full of fantasies, my hair was long and my long bangs covered my eyes.   Don't we all sport hairstyles that reflect our lifestyles?
Do you remember Sigourney Weaver on her first Alien movie?  Her hair was so short, she looked mannish yet so cute, with her white panties and sleeveless shirt.
Can you imagine this cool Korean actor, Min-ho Lee, of Boys over Flowers fame, with different hairstyle?  
Recently my  sweetheart and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. Need I say that I  feel happy and contented?  It's time to have curly tops!  I promised my sweetheart I am going to have Shirley Temple curls, hahaha.  You have not heard or seen Shirley Temple, right?  I will show you later Shirley Temple curls, promise.  

Why don't we all have curly tops, they say that curly hair  is the new craze 

Isn't this blonde beauty  gorgeous?   She has the Shirley Temple curls.  Remember the play/movie Annie?
The original child actress was Shirley Temple.  

Below right is  the young  Liz Taylor, the beauty of all time.  
There was a time when Nanay fantasized they look  alike.  I remember Nanay with the same hairstyle too...and yes, they kinda look alike :))

My hairstylist advised me to have my hair curled.  My hair is naturally wavy, but they fly in all directions so usually after I shampoo I curl them with rollers to 'guide' the curls.

It's not that hard to maintain curly hair. 

How do you care for your curly hair?
  • Don't blow dry your hair as this could make your hair frizzy.  
  • Finger comb your hair and let the curls air dry naturally.
  • Use a diffuser if you have to blow dry your hair.  For me, I dry my hair by standing in front of the electric fan :)
  • Dry by cupping your hands to your curls from below.  Don't scrunch curls, it will make it frizzy.
  • Don't rub hair dry with a towel, paper towels are better in squeezing out the moisture. 
You could style your by twisting curls around your finger, letting them lay to air dry.  Always remember, applying heat to your hair will make them frizzy.
Here's another picture of a local movie star, Vina Morales with nice curly hair.

Oh, for men out there, your curly hair makes me swoon too.   Like this dude, Patrick Dempsey.  

Although men with crew cut hair are kinda cute too.  You remember the actor who portrayed Pontius Pilate?  He has this cool hairstyle too.  Ok, that was an  ancient movie.  That was the young Telly Savalas, and I could not find his Pontius Pilate photo :( 
Last but not the least, my favorite stars, 
Sophia Loren and Merryl Streep have curly hair too.

So let me see your hair, I could tell how your love life, career life and your financial state by your hairstyle.  And let me also use my tarot cards, hehehe.

How's your hair these days?

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