Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Letter to Someone I Don’t Talk to as Much as I’d Like To

Dear D,

I can't write your full name but I know once you've read this you know I am referring to you. You're an ex darling, us being together for six years while I was working in Saudi Arabia until 2004.   I am happy that there was a time we were Facebook buddies; that we used to write to each other; and you used to call me at home;  but I guessed when your wife learned about us she got jealous or pissed off so our communications stopped, and I was blocked in your FB account.  I understand, no explanation needed from you.  I am lucky that my husband (I have not met this current husband yet, I was separated when we were together) is a good sport and he does not mind me communicating with you.  But that is history  now, as I don't like to aggravate your wife. Maybe someday we'll we see each other again, just to reminisce the good ole days?

I invited you to our place but you answered. "for what", meaning you'd rather that we meet in a place where we could be intimate.   You must understand that for me fidelity in marriage is the only way.

You always travel in Europe, Middle East and Asia for your businesses,  and whenever I am in an airport in the U.S. or in Asia, I  wistfully think that we bump into each other.   I miss our conversation during breakfast, lunch, dinner, or while one of us cooks, or while we watch TV together.  You are a funny guy and I enjoy listening to your adventures and misadventures.  

You are sorely missed.  Take care.

Your C

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